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 5. DECEMBER 2008 Sidcompo 8 Radiostream 12:06
I started a radiostream at for easy listening
while tidy up your room or smthg ;) Vote at top of this site and leave comments!
Thank you for listening to the stream and for your voting!
Streaming time was 60 whole hours! :)

edited at 10.12. 00:05 am

 4. NOVEMBER 2008
 The Last Compo RESULTS! 00:13
The's SID Compo #8. Deadline for tune submission is November 30. 2008 23:59. Thanx for MP3 hosting goest to: hosted by Matti Maza Kari. (

1. Eskimonika by Stellan Andersson (Dane) sid prg mp3 (03:47) NEW (852 PT)

2. Intrinsic by Conrad/Viruz/Samar/Onslaught (Owen Crowley) sid prg mp3 (3:58) NEW (850.5 PT)

3. A Liquor Store Anthem by Randall sid prg mp3 (4:09) NEW (787.5 PT)

4. Love Land by Steven Diemer (A-Man/Xenon) sid prg mp3 (2:35) NEW (781 PT)

5. Two Minute Jam by Josep Barwick (Stainless Steel) sid prg mp3 (2:00) NEW (675 PT)

6. Stay Chill by Marcin Majdzik (PSycHo) sid prg mp3 (3:23) NEW (641 PT)

7. Rocco Siffredi Invades 1541-II by Kamil Wolnikowski (Jammer) sid prg mp3 (2:58) NEW (638 PT)

8. Stretch Marks by Hein Holt (Hein/Vision) sid prg mp3 (3:57) NEW (627 PT)

9. Christ 69 Electroclash Deluxe by Arman Behdad (Intensity) sid prg mp3 (3:30) NEW (615 PT)

10. Wander Fool by Vincent Merken (_V_) sid prg mp3 (6:24) NEW (563 PT)

11. Johnny Rocket by Uneksija (Antti Pitk?m?ki) sid prg mp3 (3:46) NEW (534 PT)

12. Back to Planet:dATA by LordNikon/Dekadence sid prg mp3 (3:25) NEW (513 PT)

13. fuckyou.progressivedata.fuckme by Sascha Zeidler (Linus) sid prg mp3 (2:46) NEW (508 PT)

14. Pixel Hell Level 9 by Hĺkon Repstad (Archmage of Instinct) sid prg mp3 (3:04) NEW (498 PT)

15. Drunken Ninja Dance by Rambones sid prg mp3 (4:54) OLD (454 PT)

16. See You Later Oscilator by Kristian Myklebust (kribust) sid prg mp3 (2:21) NEW (451.5 PT)

17. Elegy by Peter Bergstrand sid prg mp3 (1:24) OLD (392 PT)

18. Levitation by Henne / The Dreams sid prg mp3 (2:15) NEW (385 PT)

19. Disco Dream by Richard Bayliss sid prg mp3 (3:54) NEW (380 PT)

20. Mustelid by Hukka/Svenonacid sid prg mp3 (2:34) NEW (359.5 PT)

21. Ninja Life by G-Fellow / CiViTaS (Gerhard Flagge) sid prg mp3 (2:48) OLD (353 PT)

22. Upgrade by Dennis Hildingsson (Rusty46) sid prg mp3 (2:00) NEW (286 PT)


User comments final

Discussion: 322 reactions   |  Written by CreamD

 10. MARCH 2008
 HVSC update 48 released 00:17
High Voltage SID Collection Update 48
Date: March 09, 2008

Resulting Version: 48
Previous Version: 47

Hello fellow lover of SID music!
Nice you found some time to read through this script, to see what has been
changed in the HVSC and for what reason.

This time we have music from: Vandalism News 49, Silesia party,
The 82 Ditties demo by Bluez Muz, unreleased tunes by Adam Gilmore,
John Stormont (NEW), SIDcompo 7, Aegis (aged sweet 13 years old!)
Jeroen Tel, Linus, Dwayne Bakewell, Richard Bayliss, Conrad (CRD),
Froyd, Adam Gilmore, Goto80

After this update, the collection should contain 35,030 SID files!

This update features (all approximates):
918 new SIDs
42 fixed/better rips
0 fixes of PlaySID/Sidplay1 specific SIDs
12 repeats/bad rips eliminated
370 SID credit fixes
101 SID model/clock infos
11 tunes from /DEMOS/UNKNOWN/ identified :-)
37 tunes moved out of /DEMOS/ to their composers’ directories
15 tunes moved out of /GAMES/ to their composers’ directories

Get it at

 28. NOVEMBER 2007
 Sidcompo #7 - results, jury and comments 00:17
Lotsa crispy material in this one: Sidcompo #7 results and comments Enjoy!

If you feel like commenting the compo or tunes further, do it here: The Sid Compo VII CSDB entry

Thanx everybody for participation, support and patience. See ya in The Last CompoTM

 15. OCTOBER 2007 SidCompo #7 - 15. Oct - 12. Nov 23:34 SID Compo #7 deadline, November 12th 2007, 23:55.

Sid Compo #7 compo rules are here.

Send your entries to:

You can check previous SID compos here: SID compo #6 | SID compo #5 | SID compo #4 | SID compo #3 | SID compo #2 | SID compo #1

*E-mails will NOT be published, spread, or given to 3rd parties and will be erased at the end of the compo.
Discussion: 456 reactions   |  Written by CreamD

 16. SEPTEMBER 2007
 SID Compo 7 coming up... 11:42's SID Compo #7
Launch on 15th of October 2007. Duration 3 weeks (No exceptions this time)*.

The rest you will learn on upcoming days.

You can check previous SID compos here: SID compo #6 | SID compo #5 | SID compo #4 | SID compo #3 | SID compo #2 | SID compo #1

* If 3 weeks aren?t enough time for you, better start composing now.

 24. DECEMBER 2006
 SID Compo #6 16.oct - 14.nov 06 (35) - RESULTS 02:42 SID COMPO No.6


Sid Compo 2006 sid-pack / Sid Compo 2006 prg-pack.


SidCompo #6 results, comments, jury-ranks / Jury votes - table.

For additional possibilities to comment and vote, check SidCompo 6 in the C64 scene database

You can check previous SID compos here: SID compo #5 | SID compo #4 | SID compo #3 | SID compo #2 | SID compo #1

Hint: For easier checking of the tunes, associate the .SID file suffix with SidPlay2/w so you can open the tunes directly from this webpage.

Thank you everybody. Have a happy and creative new year!
Discussion: 558 reactions   |  Written by CreamD

 16. OCTOBER 2006 SidCompo no.6 started... (3) 10:12
I feel a bit stupid to start a compo after such a shiny and succesful event as X-2006. It seems that we will need to use a bigger font to outshine it... ;-))) But anyway... SID compo 6 started on monday, and you can start sending tunes.. they will be published on-fly... more info (and official start) later... be patient ;-)

+1 +1 +1 tune.

 21. SEPTEMBER 2006 SidCompo #6 starts on 16th of October 00:51
There is a lot more important event scheduled on october 13.-15. the X-2006 party - which is (and I?m sure always be) the best C64 only party ever organised on this planet. Due to that fact I?ve dediced to shift the traditional start of the SID Compo one week later and use the spotlight place for X-2006 last-minute announcer.

SID Compo #6 will last about 2 weeks (until 31th October) no matter what. As you know, I never liked *long lasting* online compos, as I don?t think that it really makes people use their time more effectively. Most of us will just wait for deadline anyway. (same goes for parties, so rather start making your stuff now so you don?t have to do it on your way to X2006! ;-) If you can?t finish tune in 2 weeks it?s only becasue you didn?t start too early anyway. Okay so that?s it. The rules and organisational info for this years SID compo is coming later. If you (by any chance) don?t know what SID Compo is, then check the previous years: SID compo #5 | SID compo #4 | SID compo #3 | SID compo #2 | SID compo #1

 5. DECEMBER 2005 SID Compo #5 / RESULTS 02:22 SID COMPO No.5 (1)So it's finally here. 5th's SID compo (8.october-13.november 2005) results. Maybe you are interested to learn who is that mysterious composer behind "Walley of Dreams?", and maybe you would like to know answers on your questions about "Poetry of Lonely Mind". But first, hereby I would like to thank everybody for great support and especially to sites promoting this compo VORC, Alih for creating of OGG versions of the tunes. People helping with hosting hosting of the OGG files Luca, Raf and Steppe. People who produced the great software used for making of the C64 executables. PSID64 developed by Roland Hermans. EXOMIZER (used for packing) developed by Magnus Lind. And of course also to the admin Milan Leszkow of Linux Tech Department at my hosting for saving my fragile butt reputation. Okay and now you can click here to get the annual SID Compo No.5 results and comments .
Discussion: 654 reactions   |  Written by CreamD

 11. OCTOBER 2005 SID Compo #5 (27) end of phase I. 01:26 SID COMPO No.5 (1)The SID Compo No.V. October 8. 2005?? November 13. 2005 23:59. (Deadline extended) Tunes will be published on-fly and anonymously, no covers or remixes of existing tunes are allowed. Don?t forget to submit your Nickname, Realname, Country, Music name, version of SID chip (OLD/NEW), Duration of the tune (in minutes ;-),and your author comments. Send your tunes to
You can check previous SID compos here: SID compo #4 | SID compo #3 | SID compo #2 | SID compo #1

Get OGG versions of curent SID Compo 5?entries (real C64 sound) here. Maintained by Alih.

Discussion: 654 reactions   |  Written by CreamD

 9. OCTOBER 2005 SID Compo Five - 8.oct - 8.nov 2005 00:51
As usual. Tunes will be published on-fly and anonymously, no covers or remixes of existing tunes are allowed. Don?t forget to submit your Nickname, Realname, Country, Music name, version of SID chip (OLD/NEW), Duration of the tune (in minutes ;-),and your author comments. Send your tunes to
You can check previous SID compos here: SID compo #4 | SID compo #3 | SID compo #2 | SID compo #1

 24. DECEMBER 2004
 Sid Compo IV (32 entries) 12:57
The SID Compo IV. November 22. 2004 - December 5. 2004. 4th annual C64 SID compo has ended. More about SID COMPO 4 here!
Discussion: 667 reactions   |  Written by CreamD

 22. NOVEMBER 2004
 Sid Compo IV (32 entries) 16:21
The SID Compo IV. November 22. 2004 - December 5. 2004. 4th annual C64 SID compo has ended. More about SID COMPO 4 here!
Discussion: 667 reactions   |  Written by CreaMD Submit your entries here!

 17. OCTOBER 2004
 Sidcompo IV - October 25. - November 8. 2004 10:17
Since I have quite intense preparations on my wedding, the start of the 4th SID compo is shifted 2 weeks later. Also the sidcompo time is shortened again to 2 weeks. Good thing is that you have 1 week to prepare yourself for the contest ;-).

Official rules will be annouced on the start, but consider following restrictions/guidelines: tunes will be published on-fly and anonymously, no covers or remixes of existing tunes are allowed. Don?t forget to submit your Nickname, Realname, Country, Music name, version of SID chip (OLD/NEW), Duration of the tune (in minutes ;-),and your author comments. No preselection will take place, we don't expect hope ;-))) that number of tunes will not go over 30 as last year. If you have any suggestions send them to the e-mail address below. Author-guessing compo won?t be organised, and any comment hinting or revealing identity of the tunes will be deleted. You are allowed to submit your tune since NOW!, so feel free to spam my mailbox with kewl sids.

You can check previous SID compos here: SID compo #3 | SID compo #2 | SID compo #1

 3. DECEMBER 2003
 Sid Compo III - Revelations 00:00
The SID Compo III. October 8. 2003 - November 8. 2003. Get the SID COMPO 3 - SID PACK + results.txt , or 2 disk sides full of C64 executables with all credits: C64 EXECUTABLE PACK + results note. Or just get results.txt. Thanx everybody for support. Enjoy the releases! Congratulations to winners! Previous SID compos: 01 (2001), 02 (2002)
Discussion: 1392 reactions   |  Written by CreamD

 8. OCTOBER 2003
 Sid Compo III - 8.oct. - 8.nov. 2003 23:54
The SID Compo III. October 8. 2003 - November 8. 2003. Get the SID COMPO 3 - SID PACK + results.txt , or 2 disk sides full of C64 executables with all credits: C64 EXECUTABLE PACK + results note. Or just get results.txt. Thanx everybody for support. Enjoy the releases! Congratulations to winners! Previous SID compos: 01 (2001), 02 (2002)
Discussion: 1392 reactions   |  Written by CreamD

 26. NOVEMBER 2002
 2002 Xmas Compo - 9 entries 22:28
It?s christmas time...
Do you remember the good old days when Game On and Magic Disk had such compos? So we want to keep the spirit alive and are organizing a webbased xmas-democompetition for fun like the sidcompo. For more information and rules be sure to check out
...The Official Year 2002 Christmas Demo Compo brought to you by Pater Pi and Trance. Go to the offical page and learn more. For 2x2 XMAS COMPO smalltalks visit:
CSDB Forum compo thread, or X-Stayle Forum compo thread
This is the first official XMAS 2000 announcement post which was being updated as the compo was running. It has been moved off spotlight on 15th of january 2003 and updated by CreaMD.

 18. NOVEMBER 2002
 The Sid Compo II - final results 16:26
THE SID COMPETITION II was held on 8. October - 4. November 2002 download all stuff - SID + PRG + D64 + BONUS TUNES + RESULTS here!. Read the article for complete results, bonus tunes & voters comments. Thank you all for your contributions, attention and a lot of great musics. And now, let's go outside!
Discussion: 39 reactions   |  Written by

 14. OCTOBER 2002
 The SID Compo 2 (30) - it ended! 02:03
Last year we've organised the GoatTracker music competition and exactly one year after the first compo we've decided to organise the second one: THE SID COMPETITION II. It was held on 8. October - 4. November 2002, with one exception: all C64 music editors are allowed. The SID compo has ended, download the C64 EXECUTABLES PACK. Voting ENDED on Sunday - Nov 17. 2002!
Discussion: 294 reactions   |  Written by CreaMD

 Other News: JUL?05 - JUN.?07 - related news (121)
The Commodore Zone website is back online! JUL 05 2005 03:48
Allitaice is getting married JUL 07 2005 14:44
Full Text of Compute II magazine JUL 07 2005 22:30
C64 remixing meets Podcasting JUL 08 2005 08:01
Jon Hare interviewed JUL 10 2005 11:47
FREAX Vol. 1. released - Website update JUL 13 2005 04:00
EXILE solution released JUL 13 2005 13:29
Commodore Zone website updated JUL 16 2005 21:54
Ancients founded JUL 18 2005 17:00
Alien of WOW / Covenant is father! JUL 18 2005 17:31
Solutions Boulder Dash and other games JUL 20 2005 16:32
Full text of 11 classic flight simulation books JUL 22 2005 07:24
Metal Dust reviewed in German PC Game Papermag JUL 22 2005 21:30 JUL 26 2005 16:26
IDE64 Inside with one problem .... JUL 27 2005 23:01
Looking for program to replace SID Editor OCT 09 2005 16:04
X2006? OCT 13 2005 10:54
No Commercials In The News Please NOV 03 2005 12:45
CoVeNaNt Website is down... JAN 20 2006 20:52
Lemon64 is GONE! JAN 27 2006 12:08
VIC20 commercial free for download FEB 09 2006 17:09
OT: "8 Shades of Black" C16 coopdemo launched FEB 15 2006 18:53
Commodore C64C Introductory Audio Tape FEB 16 2006 10:35
New Remix of Sweet by Johannes Bjerregaard FEB 18 2006 14:07
The Movers have a new homepage MAR 08 2006 17:21
C64 DEMOSCENE DVD MAR 09 2006 21:01
Finally the project "Digital Memories" is finished! (since March 6th, 2006) MAR 10 2006 19:50
Commodore 64 Fansite kit MAR 13 2006 15:40
condoms in mail MAR 20 2006 17:25
The Xtreem Commodore Logo MAR 25 2006 19:19
Emulation In Emulator MAR 28 2006 12:38
8bit Mayhem Podcast Episode #5 APR 09 2006 16:51
CoVeNanT website is back online APR 22 2006 15:43
WANTED: Game endings ... APR 25 2006 11:10
8Bit Mayhem Podcast - Episode #6 MAY 06 2006 20:44
New Releases MAY 14 2006 06:16
Website Updated. Introduction to C64 Gfx Modes New mode. MAY 15 2006 02:54
fr-051: brotkaestchen MAY 15 2006 14:21
New C64 cartridge cases from individual Computers MAY 29 2006 23:50
C64 Website Updated! MAY 29 2006 22:28
New Commodore Forum For Macintosh Users MAY 27 2006 21:46
C64 H.Q. - Online again! MAY 27 2006 02:43 is out of service MAY 21 2006 09:04 - The SID 6581/8580 Recordings Archive JUN 02 2006 21:43
Chromance cracks JUN 03 2006 06:56
Mr. Wax JUN 16 2006 05:03
Pokes on The Go JUN 14 2006 14:28
EVS/20CC died at the age of 32 JUN 20 2006 22:42
8Bit Mayhem Podcast - Episode #7 - A special Edwin van Santen Tribute JUN 21 2006 20:45
21 more issues of Compute! Magazine JUN 25 2006 08:16
8Bit Mayhem PodCast - Episode #8 - Special Birthday Episode JUL 07 2006 15:20
Primary Star Party Form out of order JUL 23 2006 13:00
Planet Retro Beta AUG 02 2006 17:21
new demo AUG 11 2006 23:50
The 8Bit Mayhem C64 Scene Podcast has moved! AUG 16 2006 12:23
8Bit Mayhem PodCast #9 - The Party Episode AUG 18 2006 18:52
Legacy Lost by Mirage AUG 24 2006 21:35
Official - Richard leaves Civitas and Covenant! SEP 01 2006 21:31
Kidnapper used C64 SEP 05 2006 23:58
Mason/Unicess bought a vacuumcleaner SEP 13 2006 15:50
Richard calls it quits for Crypt SEP 15 2006 20:38
Dennis Caswell interview SEP 18 2006 08:22
New Crypt Release SEP 22 2006 05:55
8Bit Mayhem C64 Scene Podcast - Episode #10 SEP 25 2006 12:51
NETMON Win32 port OCT 18 2006 12:11
Rambones Hot Webcam Action NOV 10 2006 16:06
TCZ website updated. JAN 05 2007 12:31
computer club #24 JAN 08 2007 13:31
Vice, CCS64 and Tape Transfer manual JAN 10 2007 15:27
Watch this cool DTV hack JAN 18 2007 06:54
Commodore Gaming & Kiloo Bring C64 Games To Mobile JAN 22 2007 15:07
RETRO shirt shop online JAN 22 2007 16:29
brand new Salva Mea website online FEB 10 2007 11:49
8Bit Mayhem C64 Scene Music Podcast is back online FEB 18 2007 15:15
A new group is born: Lamers With Conversiontools FEB 20 2007 14:14
Gargoil?s early releases FEB 20 2007 07:11
8Bit Mayhem C64 Scene Music Podcast Episode #11 MAR 10 2007 19:49
Singular browser v0.2 MAR 23 2007 00:12
Stuff Stuff Stuff MAR 23 2007 12:39
THE LEGAL STORE MAR 24 2007 13:10
Singular browser v0.3 MAR 23 2007 08:09
The Final Replay V0.7 ROM is out! MAR 29 2007 22:35
watch this.... MAR 28 2007 07:38
Source code of C64 Speech Synthesis released APR 12 2007 14:29
Axis of Evil 2007 MMC64 version APR 25 2007 12:30
8Bit Mayhem C64 Scenemusic Podcast - Episode #12 MAY 25 2007 23:58
The baracuda simulator JUN 05 2007 08:09
A new Commando RMX JUN 17 2007 17:18
90-64-90 - Hot SID Music!!! JUN 18 2007 14:13
Phobos - The Remix JUN 27 2007 16:16
PHOBOS (C64 STEREO VERSION!!) JUN 28 2007 12:48
"FLY (Original C64 Mix)" - Remastered SID JUL 02 2007 02:49
dalezy at 8bitcollective JUL 03 2007 23:11
Updates of 9 games on plus a new game JUL 11 2007 13:27
The Last Ninja nostalgia tribute AUG 17 2007 15:17
C64 music VS Bass Distortion AUG 27 2007 12:20
Hollywood Poker Pro Remix NOV 12 2007 21:41
New CD Run 10: Commodore 64 goes classic NOV 14 2007 12:09
Behr-Bonz VIC-20 Multicart available JAN 13 2008 11:13
Minor correction to Behr-Bonz VIC-20 Multicart article JAN 13 2008 22:46
Action Jackson/TRC wants to get rid of his C64 APR 10 2008 13:31
Commodore Bankruptcy - via The Register APR 20 2008 00:51
Our new C= 64 baseball cap is now available AUG 14 2008 22:57
Megaselling at E-Bay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! JAN 18 2009 23:40
MOvie another link. JAN 17 2009 16:52
MaZZA g03s 2 RaMBO Party Report MAR 22 2009 01:50
Berzerk Redux 1.7 is out NOV 25 2009 13:50
Introducing CBM-Command MAY 06 2010 19:19
now for sale NOV 06 2010 12:18
SID music back to mainstream with Iphone game MAR 26 2011 12:43
Bludi?tě poč?tačov?ch her JUN 27 2011 21:55
On the Farm 3 - Sheep Invasion FEB 18 2012 12:57
Forever 14 | Elvis Lives! - party page launched DEC 03 2012 00:38
So you were looking at this page expecting an april joke? APR 01 2013 12:56


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