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SID Musicians




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Current events

31/12 - 02/03 BotB Winter Chip XX (Standalone Compo)
01/01 - 31/12 2025 THE C64 SCENE TRADERS CHARTS (Standalone Compo)

Upcoming events

14/02 - 16/02 KozMOS 2025 (Internal Meeting)
15/02 - 15/02 HCC Meeting February 2025 (Meeting, 8 bit Party)
15/02 - 16/02 Lovebyte 2025 (Demo Party)
21/02 - 23/02 BCC Party #19 (Demo Party, 8 bit Party)
01/03 - 01/03 3. Cívis Retroszámítógép Találkozó (Meeting)
08/03 - 08/03 Vintage Computing Carinthia $2F (Meeting)
14/03 - 16/03 Forever 2025 - Jurassic party (Demo Party, 8 bit Party)
21/03 - 23/03 Fioniadata 2025 (Demo Party, Meeting)
18/04 - 21/04 Revision 2025 (Demo Party)
11/07 - 13/07 Black Valley 2025 (Demo Party)
24/07 - 27/07 BOOM! Party 2025 (Demo Party)
01/08 - 03/08 Pågadata 2025 (Demo Party)
19/09 - 21/09 Mysdata 2025 (Demo Party)
29/11 - 29/11 Transmission64 2025 (Demo Party)
05/06 - 07/06 X'2026 (C64 Only Party)

Recent events

01/10 - 31/12 2024 Friabad’s Month Top Competition (Standalone Compo)
01/10 - 31/12 Yogi's & Flex' Melodic 2SID Compo 2024 (Standalone Compo)
01/12 - 24/12 Chistmas BASIC Only Programming Challenge 2024 (Standalone Compo)
05/12 - 25/12 Vintage Computing Christmas Challenge 2024 (Standalone Compo)
13/12 - 15/12 Winter KluJam 2024 (Standalone Compo)
28/12 - 28/12 Xmas/Winter 1-Screener Online Compo @ #5th Xmas Live with BOOM! and Friends (Standalone Compo)
28/12 - 29/12 Trasher $32 (") (Meeting)
10/01 - 11/01 rsync 2025 (Demo Party)
11/01 - 11/01 Vintage Computing Carinthia $2E (Meeting)
11/01 - 11/01 Reunion Miskolc 2025 (Meeting)
24/01 - 26/01 The Slackening #1 (Meeting)
25/01 - 25/01 Payback 2025 (Demo Party)
31/01 - 02/02 Gerp 2025 (Demo Party)
31/01 - 02/02 Fjälldata 2025 (Demo Party)
07/02 - 09/02 Jobj 42 (2025) (Demo Party)
07/02 - 09/02 RR Meeting 2025 (Meeting)


The Beta News   
 So you were looking at this page expecting an april joke? APR 01 2013
There is none this year… you got fooled! ;)

There is a nice looking new game release Ridiculous Reality at CSDB, so maybe you might check that one?

 Forever 14 | Elvis Lives! – party page launched DEC 03 2012

Multiplatform 8bit party for Atari, Commodore 64, ZX Spectrum and CPC will open for 14th time next year on March 15–17. 2013. Location: Horn? S?ča / Slovakia. Entrance fee: 13 EUR

Elvis Lives!

As CVM (responsible for visuals and web) and Ellvis (responsible for party place and all other ungrateful organising duties), stepped out of their positions, we had to reorganize the organizing team. POL (brother of Ellvis) took over the responsibilities for party place booking and Wotnau and CreaMD finally got their hands over the image of the party. The rest of the team MikeZT (ZX Spectrum, competition), JTR (c64 organising) and XI (Atari organising) stay the same.

For the first time in history of Forever, we are making it our way from bottom to the top. Which means CreaMD?s crazy style combined with Wotnaus?s decent, responsible and highly professional communication. You will learn what that exactly means in upcoming monhts.

First sign of changes is a newly launched official party page at:

The parts of the old page will be preserved and will serve as archive of past Forever parties.

The visitors registration is now ready for Forever 2013 at the old address:

 On the Farm 3 – Sheep Invasion FEB 18 2012
Achim Volkers has come up up with a funny third edition of On The Farm, called On the Farm 3 – Sheep Invasion. This time it’s a greedy seagull who is the star in this cute and rather funny episode of the On the Farm series. Poop at those sheep so you can have the crops, but watch out for Farmer Rich and his pet eagle, Edgar. Bomb Shep for extra abilities, which will wear out after some time.

Available from CSDB

 Bludi?tě poč?tačov?ch her JUN 27 2011
Elektronick? verzia knihy „Bludi?tě poč?tačov?ch her“, v ktorej autor Bohuslav Bla?ek sk?ma vzťah det? a „mal?ch poč?tačov“ pr?ve na poč?tačoch Commodore C64 je tu. Majiteľ autorsk?ch pr?v p?n Filip Bla?ek, syn autora, s?hlasil s jej zverejnen?m. D?fam, ?e čoskoro bude umiestnen? aj v arch?ve S?bor si zatiaľ m??ete stiahnuť tu. Pokiaľ v knihe n?jdete nejak? chyby dajte mi pros?m vedieť.
 SID music back to mainstream with Iphone game MAR 26 2011
SID music back to mainstream, Iphone game!

In 2011 Knatter/XAKK a legendary swedish demomaker and pioneer in sid music (rockmonitor), returns with a iphone game that is so fun to play and is filled with great SID music.…..
 now for sale NOV 06 2010
Dear c64 members,

I don’t have the time to make a good website for
So now i’m selling it for ? 4900,–

This is a very special 3 characters domain, but I don’t have to example that ;)

Contact me at if you want to buy it.

 Introducing CBM-Command MAY 06 2010
CBM-Command is a new file/directory browser for both the C128 and C64 computers. CBM-Command is designed to look and feel like Norton Commander from the old DOS PC days. It will also feel familiar to those of us who use 64Copy to manage disk images on the PC.

You can download the current alpha build of CBM-Command at

Please send me any feedback you may have!

Payton Byrd
 Berzerk Redux 1.7 is out NOV 25 2009
Berzerk Redux, originally an arcade game, has been ported to the C64 by Martin Piper.
He released version 1.7 of his C64 port today.


You can leave feedback in this Lemon64 forum thread.
 MaZZA g03s 2 RaMBO Party Report MAR 22 2009
I’ve made a live party report in video format.. check it out on YouTube here:…
 MOvie another link. JAN 17 2009
I’ve got some information about rapidshare links, so we need time to setup file once more.
Please visit:…nimatrix.rar
 Megaselling at E-Bay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! JAN 18 2009
Hello all peoples in the whole world.
When you search for Original C=64 Games,Bookware,Hardware and Exotic pieces for the good old Commodore,then look at the 21/22.01.09 under commodorehansel at E-bay.
I will sell my Megacollection.
Over 20 Years of collect goes to an end.
Ask your Grandma for giving you money:-)
The difinatley C=64 TSUNAMI!!!!!!!

Greets Werner-Soft Ex Co-Leader THE STOCK.

going immediately to related news thanx to (but not only) all those exclamation marks in title… (CreAMD)
 Our new C= 64 baseball cap is now available AUG 14 2008
You asked for it, and we made it! Our new C= 64 baseball cap of course pays hommage to a certain computer brand who?s name we cannot mention for legal reasons! As we couldn?t use their logo for copyright reasons, we had to come up with something of our own, and we think our design team really nailed it.

This fantastic cap comes in the colour of French Navy Blue with White stripes on each side. Our infamous C= 64 logo is beautifully embroidered in White thread on the front of the cap.

Available on our website now:
Kubi Retro Gaming Gear
 being banned MAY 21 2008
Hi, for some reason I have been banned from no fault of my own that I can recall using the website forum , if you can mention my name omega120 in the Lemon64 minichat and just chat to the others there even about Manky for an added chat I mite get feel sorry for and be reinstated to the forum if I promise to be good.

visit my website:-
Thanking you


 Commodore Bankruptcy – via The Register APR 20 2008…re_lawsuits/

Commodore International is close to folding. The Dutch company that owns the brand was declared bankrupt this week, but a spokesman said it will appeal the court order.

The original Commodore International, an American company best known for the legendary Commodore 64 computer in the 1980s, declared bankruptcy in 1994. However, the brand refused to die.

German retailer Escom paid $14m for Commodore International and the brand was then taken over by Tulip Computers in the Netherlands. In 2004, Tulip sold the Commodore name to another Dutch firm, Yeahronimo. In the past three years the company has tried to capitalise on the Commodore brand with new products such as joysticks, gaming and video players.

While Commodore is listed on the US over-the-counter market, most operations are carried out from the Netherlands. After disappointing sales of its ambitious Gravel line of personal media players, the firm shed many employees in recent months.

Unsurprisingly, Commodore expects its figures for FY 2007 to be substantially lower than previously estimated. Commodore is expected to announce a ?10m loss at a shareholders? meeting in Amsterdam next Friday.

More trouble lies ahead. Former employees have threatened Commodore with a lawsuit to secure back-payments. And last month Commodore lost a court case against a former partner called Phillar. That company, which was to develop a navigation tool with Commodore, was poorly paid and says it will now seek ?9m in damages.

At least three Dutch creditors are demanding an undisclosed sum from Commodore. They went to the bankruptcy court this week in an effort to recoup the debt. Commodore says it wasn?t consulted when bankruptcy was filed and will seek a solution. Official receiver JJ Dingemans told The Register that if Commodore can pay its creditors, he will advise the court to lift Commodore?s litigation.

Commodore claims its daily operations are not affected by the legal battle. Its branding company has no personnel. Other activities, such as gaming PCs, are run from different companies.

Tomorrow, a Commodore Day is held in the Netherlands, but to remember Commodore?s golden past, not its recent demise. ?

Read The Full Article and Comments at:…re_lawsuits/

Owners of C= brand did nothing interesting for C= scene (demoscene) or former user base at all. All they attempted to do was catching on the wave of mainstream which didn?t succeed. In my opinion. Past years and latest happenings doesn?t affect anything concerning C= scene (demoscene) at all and it has less impact (as far as covering in scene / mainstream media is concerned) than e.g. Timbaland?s blatant rip-off of GRG?s cover of Tempest?s Acidjazzed evening. (CreaMD ( admin))
 Action Jackson/TRC wants to get rid of his C64 APR 10 2008
Check out this page :
He is selling his commodore with extras and can
bring it to X-2008 if your interested.
 Minor correction to Behr-Bonz VIC-20 Multicart article JAN 13 2008
I wrote:

You can purchase the Behr-Bonz VIC-20 Multicart for $30 US plus $8 shipping to the US…

I have received a correction from Eslapion; though he lets me pay in US dollars, he normally requires Canadian dollars.
 Behr-Bonz VIC-20 Multicart available JAN 13 2008
The Behr-Bonz VIC-20 Multicart is now available. With hardware by Eslapion and a game selection menu system by Viande of Denial, the Behr-Bonz VIC-20 Multicart contains 127 games which originally were on separate carts. Some games on the Behr-Bonz: AE, Aggressor, Alien Blitz, Amok!, arachnoid, Artillery Duel, Astroblitz, Atlantis, Attack of the Mutant Camels, Avenger, Bandits, Battlezone, Black Hole, Buck Rogers: Planet of Zoom, Capture the Flag, Centipede…

You can purchase the Behr-Bonz VIC-20 Multicart for $30 US plus $8 shipping to the US (shipping charge the same up to 10 carts). For postal fees to ship to other countries and other questions about the Behr-Bonz, inquire with eslapion(at) Paypal to eslapion(at) Other ROMs and services are available from Eslapion, too; just ask.
 New CD Run 10: Commodore 64 goes classic NOV 14 2007
25 years after Commodore introduced the C64 computer, productiehuis ON asked Rob Hubbard to make orchestral arrangements of the music written by him and Jeroen Tel for some of the most popular C64 games. Check out this piece of art that the music of „C64 orchestra – Run 10“ in combination with this unique packaging and a second disc with the original tunes and special features represents!

CD 1 The orchestral versions of:
Delta, Commando, Monty on the Run, One Man And His Droid and International Karate, Cybernoid II, Hawkeye, Myth and Supremacy

CD 2 The original versions of:
Delta, Commando, Monty on the Run, One Man And His Droid and International Karate, Cybernoid II, Hawkeye, Myth, Supremacy and Commando High Score.
Monty ON The Run (Remix by Deltabeats)

# Interview with Rob Hubbard and Jeroen Tel
# C64 orchestra trailer

# PDF with additional info
# Zip-file of Monty ON the run for POKE20, remixing the C64 orchestra

You can order it now direct at… using pay pall.

And we will send you the cd!

C64 orchestra
 Hollywood Poker Pro Remix NOV 12 2007
Just wanted to inform you: A brand new remix of Chris H?lsbeck’s „Hollywood Poker Pro“ has just been released on R.K.O. (

It’s called „Hollywood Poker Pro – All In 2007“. Check it out if you liked that track and/or game!
 C64 music VS Bass Distortion AUG 27 2007
My music project Laconic Zero has released a full-lenght CD called „Tribeca“, available at:

For listening, more info, downloads, videos, etc. visit myspace site:

Laconic Zero is C64 music combined with Bass-Guitar Distortion, Progressive and Experimental game-tune rock.
 The Last Ninja nostalgia tribute AUG 17 2007
 Updates of 9 games on plus a new game JUL 11 2007
We have started to update the existing games on

The following games we have updated are The Addams Family, Bagitman, Card Sharks, Frogger 2, Krymini, Mindbreaker, Pitfall, Pulsoid and Thomas the Tank Engine.

Besides that Acia has been added in this update.

Also remember to check the 20 games update added on the 9th July too.

Hope you like this update
 dalezy at 8bitcollective JUL 03 2007
right, july is 8bc-month. the demons called, i answered.
i’ll give my best and support the mighty 8bitcollective with at least a chiptune a day. go here. check out stuff. make your friends suffer. now.
 „FLY (Original C64 Mix)“ – Remastered SID JUL 02 2007
I have released exclusively for my myspace-page a Trance-SID called „Fly (Original C64 Mix)“. It was created on a Real C64 with 8580 and later remastered on a PC.
Furthermore it contains an arabian part at the end.

Have fun! :D And tell me your opinion!
Now the stereo version (6 SID Channels!!) for your C64 is ready.
You should use headphones to hear all sweet stereo effects.

SID model: 8580 (2×)
1st SID: $D400
2nd SID: $D420…

Ps: Don’t forget to download the rearranged version. (for infos look inside the readme)

Ps2: Don’t be shy & write me a mail with comments. :)
Sweetie N.
 Phobos – The Remix JUN 27 2007
This is a rearranged version of my favourite C64 song >Phobos< (Author: ?kos Makrai). Also, it is my first project with modern synths.…8/Phobos.rar

Don&#146;t hesitate to write me a mail with comments
Sweetie N.
 90–64–90 – Hot SID Music!!! JUN 18 2007
I decided to share one of my private c64 audio cd&#146;s (with music from different musicians and me) to people out there.
Don&#146;t be surprised. I had to compress the whole thing, but the quality is still excellent.
There are 28 tracks. It perfectly fits to a 80 min. CD.
Of course, everything is recorded with a real SID (6581/8580)…4_90.7z.html

I wish you a hot summer!!!

N. SweetHeart
 A new Commando RMX JUN 17 2007
Just yesterday i felt like downloading a tracker and do a little SID-Remix of Rob Hubbard?s Commando-Tune. I have not done something like this in about 15 Years.

Grab the Commando-Remix: „Commando in the Temple of BOOM“ by DJ DOC.BUSY (a.k.a. Ebster) here…

Best regards, Ebs.
 The baracuda simulator JUN 05 2007
NEW demo from the group Swappas with attitude
grab it here and have fun with it :…
 8Bit Mayhem C64 Scenemusic Podcast – Episode #12 MAY 25 2007
8Bit Mayhem – The C64 Scene SID Music Podcast

Episode #12 is here!

Get it at:
 Axis of Evil 2007 MMC64 version APR 25 2007
An MMC64 version of the Axis of Evil 2007 invitation demo by Fairlight is available.…

Source: Forum
 Source code of C64 Speech Synthesis released APR 12 2007
We released the source code of our Speech Synthesis for the C64. Get it from our Homepage
 watch this… MAR 28 2007
Steve Jobs, Bill Gates and the Commodore C64. Watch and enjoy:…ive_showdown
 The Final Replay V0.7 ROM is out! MAR 29 2007
TFR 0.7 for the Retro Replay cartridge is out. It has a few bugfixes and a few new features.
Get it from The Final Replay Homepage.
 Singular browser v0.3 MAR 23 2007
Soci / Singular released v0.3 of the Singular Browser; A very well featured http browser for C64 and RR-Net. This version features optimized network code and allows IP address to be set in a config file. For more info and download check out CSDb.
Yeah, it&#146;s update time on again !
 Stuff Stuff Stuff MAR 23 2007
 Singular browser v0.2 MAR 23 2007
Soci / Singular released v0.2 of the Singular Browser; A very well featured http browser for C64 and RR-Net. This version features optimized network code and allows IP address to be set in a config file. For more info and download check out CSDb.

 8Bit Mayhem C64 Scene Music Podcast Episode #11 MAR 10 2007
Episode #11 is here!

No shit talking, just the SID talking!
Obvious, not so obvious, forgotten and classic Commodore 64 scene music.
 Gargoil?s early releases FEB 20 2007
Today morning Gargoil released some of his pictures. He?s also known as C64Camper. His graphics are converts of photos or funpics and he attended the Willow Party 2006, which was the first party for him.

Uhu -your little friend (IFLI-wireframed)
Naked (IFLI-wireframed)
Hilary-Duff (HiRes-wireframed)
Fuck of M$ (HiRes-wireframed)
 A new group is born: Lamers With Conversiontools FEB 20 2007
Got no clue what the scene is all about?
You&#146;re a spaghetti-coder in basic?
You convert graphics and release them under your own name?
No real C64 at home but only WinVice on your hyperthreaded multimedia Intel Inside ™ dad&#146;s PC?

No problem! Everybody can be a scener in Lamers With Conversiontools


A membership is just a PM away!…
 8Bit Mayhem C64 Scene Music Podcast is back online FEB 18 2007
8Bit Mayhem is back online after some issues with
All podcast-archives are back too, including the incredible Jeroen Tel liveset and the Edwin van Santen tribute episode!

Get ready for a new eposode somewhere next week.
 brand new Salva Mea website online FEB 10 2007
It&#146;s a pleasure for us to inform you that after one year of silence Salva Mea is back in business: We&#146;ve launched a new website with all of our releases (converted to web2.0 videos or oldskool empythrees) to show you this time it&#146;s real.

Please visit:
Salva Mea
 RETRO shirt shop online JAN 22 2007
Germanys one and only magazine for digital retro culture called RETRO has opened a shirt shop online where you can find all the nice shirts, bags and mugs you?ve ever wanted. Sorry for the fact that the shop provider only provides one shop language – German. But most of the products speak for themselves: i.e. a Paradroid wall clock or a low res Bruce Lee wind cheater.
 Commodore Gaming & Kiloo Bring C64 Games To Mobile JAN 22 2007

Aarhus, Denmark and London, UK. January 22nd. Mobile entertainment publisher Kiloo and Commodore Gaming today announced an agreement to develop a number of popular C64 games on the new generation of mobile phone handsets.

Kiloo ApS and Commodore Gaming BV will co-publish over twenty classic titles from the hugely influential and widely-loved Commodore 64 back catalogue over the next 36 months. This will be the first time that these gaming favourites become available on the mobile platform.

The first three titles in this legendary line-up are:

Jupiter Lander
, an addictive precision game demanding excellent thruster skills to navigate and land on the platforms in varying treacherous environments.

Triad, a highly imaginative game that combines strategic noughts and crosses (Tic Tac Toe) with space shooting action, resulting in varied battles to the death for each square on the grid.

Jack Attack, a surreal experience that will have you guide your little critter around various levels, moving bricks around to crush your smiling green foes.

Brian Baglow
 Watch this cool DTV hack JAN 18 2007
Here are a few pics of my own DTV Hummer project. I had an old PSOne LCD screen lying around and I thought I?d make a C64 laptop. Actually, it?s more like a C64 PDA!…

News about your DTV Hummer project (a.k.a. Picodore?) was posted 4 days ago. You should watch more often ;-) (CreaMD)
 Vice, CCS64 and Tape Transfer manual JAN 10 2007
We have added on our website a few English manuals about, how to work with Vice, CCS64 and Tape Transfer. Look at…eidingen.htm

Link updated by MacGyver on 12th January 2007, 9:29 CET
Ron van Schaik
 computer club #24 JAN 08 2007
(beta-news) in the latest german „computer clup zwei“-podcast the two legendary moderators Wolfgang Back and Wolfgang Rudolph are taking a look at the history of online computing, and guess, the C64 is mentioned more than once.
nils andreas
 TCZ website updated. JAN 05 2007
The-Commodore-Zone website (TCZ v3) was released recently. The website is now built around a content management system with a number of new features. Most of the suggestions and comments from visitors have been included in this update. The game and image database are planned to go live by the end of Jan 07, with the review database in early Feb 07.

As always any feedback is appreciated, please use the new contact us form to send a message.
 Rambones Hot Webcam Action NOV 10 2006
Sceners have needs too, you know……
 NETMON Win32 port OCT 18 2006
 8Bit Mayhem C64 Scene Podcast – Episode #10 SEP 25 2006
Yes people, it&#146;s here!

Get it at:
 New Crypt Release SEP 22 2006
VGA 7 and an NTSC fix. From the Crypters (tinyurl link removed)

Due to increase of persistent abusive activities in the C64 scene, associated with Wanderer, he got banned from The ban extends to and, and TDD. The abusive activities include:, misuse of privacy and personal info in a disturbing way, photo material copyright infringements, postal harrasment, e-mail spamming activities, and misuse of C64 scene related web services at (,, c.s.c. and Some of this sociopathic activity lasts for more than year already. is not going to support this person, or activities associated with it, in any way.

This post goes to related news in about 24 hours. This is the last message from me in the news concerning this subject.

Thank you for understanding. (CreaMD)
E-mail removed
 Dennis Caswell interview SEP 18 2006
The october issue of Edge magazine has a 4 pages interview (p102–105) with Dennis Caswell, the creator of Impossible Mission. You can get information on the background of this cult-game like inspirations, historical memories of Epyx, integration of the Electronic Speech System, etc.
 Richard calls it quits for Crypt SEP 15 2006
Richard quits Crypt 15/09/06 „The way Crypt run was nice. It was oldschool back again, but it is 2006 and things certainly change. However the main reason I left was because of the aggro this group has been getting. The war is lost and a casualty is fought – myself. It has been a great pleasure to work with those nice people in Crypt, but sadly what has been happening recently (The releases, etc) has forced me to step down. Secondly, to concentrate on my own stuff. I will still stay in contact with those great sceners though.“

Secondly, I would like to say thanks for the support from Crypt members. My C64 days are still not over. It is just TND from now on.

 Steppe?s wedding… SEP 11 2006
A VIP HVSC crew member and maintainer of pretty neat site Stephan &#146;Steppe&#146; Schmid got married!!! When we learned this info at #c-64 we demanded all the important info and here it is. His beautiful wife&#146;s name is Barbara and they got married on friday 8-th of September 2006, 12 o&#146;clock high-noon in Erlangen/Germany.

Congrats Steppe & Barbara! ;-)

And yeah, I couldn&#146;t resist to tease some people who lately alluded, how lame this kind of news is. ;-))
 Mason/Unicess bought a vacuumcleaner SEP 13 2006
[15:49] I bought a new vacum cleaner
[15:50] o/
[15:50] _Bamboo_: Tired of your right hand ?
[15:50] i hope its a VORWERK …
[15:50] _Bamboo_: is that the newsflash? =)
[15:50] lol
[15:50] this one

Congrats Mason!
 Kidnapper used C64 SEP 05 2006
more details here…ssing_girl_3

[supplied by LaLa]
 Official – Richard leaves Civitas and Covenant! SEP 01 2006
I have decided to leave Civitas today, along with Covenant as I seem to have been in too many groups. Please don?t feel angry or anything like that.

As you noticed, after joing Crypt, it has affected me on the scene front. Mainly because I have loads of programming and music to do for Crypt.

It has been a pleasure to code and compose music for you all in Civitas for the past four to five years. And I will still love to be in contact with all Civitas members who know me well, and wish me the best of luck in the future in Crypt.

Thanks for all the support. You all have been great!
 Legacy Lost by Mirage AUG 24 2006
Mirage / Focus suprises us with another excellent picture.
This time it?s in FLI format and it?s called Legacy Lost.
 8Bit Mayhem PodCast #9 – The Party Episode AUG 18 2006
8Bit Mayhem C64 Scene Podcast is back with episode #9 – The Party Episode!

This episode contains a small selection of tunes used in demos or music compo-entries which competed at this years Assembly, Primary Star, Big Floppy People, Breakpoint, Maximum Overdose and Arok.
 The 8Bit Mayhem C64 Scene Podcast has moved! AUG 16 2006
The 8Bit Mayhem C64 Scene Podcast has moved to a new spot on the Internet.

Update your links and bookmarks to:
 new demo AUG 11 2006
the groin proudly presetn a new demo called

unwind done on a litle meeting with wrath designs and onslaught go grabb it from csdb
 Planet Retro Beta AUG 02 2006
Planet Retro is now beta testing. Planet Retro aims to smash retrocomputing related weblogs, news and podcasts scattered through the net into a single, easily trackable feed and website. Contructive feedback is most welcome at this stage of development. So please have a look:
Please remove .nospam part from the address when emailing me.
Jim Qode/Ascraeus
 Primary Star Party Form out of order JUL 23 2006
I just wanted to sign me and some attendants in for the Primary Star Party, but the Server from shows me an error. The Organizer E-Mail also doesn&#146;t work, so there seems to be a Problem with the Server.

If anybody has an idea to inform the Organizers, do it!
It would be a pity, if the Party won&#146;t be held because of too few attendants.....
 8Bit Mayhem PodCast – Episode #8 – Special Birthday Episode JUL 07 2006
It&#146;s Jeroen Tel/Maniacs of Noise in the mix!
 21 more issues of Compute! Magazine JUN 25 2006 has added the full text of 21 more issues of Compute! magazine: Fall 1979 (the first issue!), January 1981, February 1981, March 1981, April 1981, October 1981, December 1981, February 1982, June 1982, July 1982, October 1982, November 1982, January 1983, March 1983, June 1983, August 1983, September 1983, October 1983, September 1989, November 1990, and December 1990.

Published from 1979 through 1994, Compute! was a multiplatform computer magazine covering Atari, Apple, Commodore, Texas Instruments, Timex/Sinclair, and other early personal computers.
Kevin Savetz
 8Bit Mayhem Podcast – Episode #7 – A special Edwin van Santen Tribute JUN 21 2006
 EVS/20CC died at the age of 32 JUN 20 2006
Edwin van Santen of the 20th Century Composers died of a long illness at 24–05–2006.
More info (he was als busy as Dj Perpetrator)…/876141.html (in Dutch)
 Pokes on The Go JUN 14 2006
There is a new updated version of Pokes on The Go, a collection of POKEs and Cheats for C64 games.This is a iSilo document for PocketPC and PALMOS.
You can find it on , just do a search for „C64“..
Chris Syntichakis
 Mr. Wax JUN 16 2006
The Mr. Wax story takes a bizarre twist.…ax_chromance
 Chromance cracks JUN 03 2006
About 120–130 missing Chromance cracks have been upload to CSDB with credits screenshots. Now Mr. Wax and Jazzy D&#146;s releases can be enjoyed by all.…
WDR – The SID 6581/8580 Recordings Archive JUN 02 2006 offers currently 377 sidtune recordings from HardSID card encoded as mp3 at 256kbps in mono. Because the site is frequently growing there is also a RSS Feed for you to stay up to date.
voskomo is out of service MAY 21 2006
Because of a hardware crash, the server will be out of service for an unspecified time. But Pch/Unreal, the admin of this website works hard and will restore it soon (We hope :-).
 C64 H.Q. – Online again! MAY 27 2006
You probably noticed that The Original C64 H.Q. was down in the last couple of days (almost 2 weeks, actually) because my former webspace provider decided to remove the site without any notification. Now I&#146;m proud to announce that I managed to move to a new place. The new url is

Please update your bookmarks, spread the word and change the banner (it&#146;s in the links section on the site) if you have a link to my site.

Thanks and sorry for the inconvenience!
 New Commodore Forum For Macintosh Users MAY 27 2006
Today Think Commodore launched a new forum for Mac users. Think Commodore looks at emulators, games, demos, music etc. from a Macintosh perspective. No more „Am I the only Mac user“ posts? Here&#146;s your chance to join a Commodore forum where every user is a Mac user. Check out
S?ren Ladegaard
 C64 Website Updated! MAY 29 2006
Although the website is a personal website (eg pictures/videos, etc) I have recently been adding software downloads (legal) for the PSP. The site has now been updated with the following

C64 Demo reviews with screenshots (Will be added on an ongoing basis)
C64 Articles (Graphic modes, C64 emulation etc)
My C64 Demo/Apps
My PC Image to C64 format convertors

Additionally there are My Amiga and PC downloads as well as a C64/Amiga/PC Audio section with previews, etc
 New C64 cartridge cases from individual Computers MAY 29 2006
Our cartridge cases for Retro Replay, MMC64 and other standard C64 cartridges enjoy great popularity, therefore we have made a new production run with a few improvements. The cases that we delivered previously were made out of the fairly soft plastic polystyrene. To further improve the quality and stability of dimensions under extreme climatic conditions, we decided to use the harder plastic polycarbonate.

In addition to the known colours black, blue-transparent and clear-transparent, the new colours red-transparent and solid blue are now available. Even though polycarbonate is much more expensive than polystyrene, we did not raise the sales price. We even took away the price difference for the different colours, so each case is now 4,– EUR incl. 16% VAT (plus shipment cost, please inquire by eMail). There&#146;s only two quantity scales: The single price for purchases of up to 99 units, and 15% discount for orders of 100 units or more. Colours can be mixed in order to reach the quantity scale.

The cases are closed with only one opening for the cartridge connector. If a cartridge with buttons or a pass-through slot shall be used, the holes/openings must be cut into the case. This applies to both the Retro Replay and the MMC64.
If you order the bundle with Retro Replay and RR-Net, you can now choose from these case colours. Wordwide shipment is already included in the bundle price of 100,– EUR for the three items! See a picture of the available colours here.To order, please use our contact form.
Jens Sch?nfeld
 fr-051: brotkaestchen MAY 15 2006
&#146;brotkaestchen&#146; is an near complete Commodore 64 emulator in less than 64 kilobytes.…
Miodrag Stancevic
 Website Updated. Introduction to C64 Gfx Modes New mode. MAY 15 2006
Updated website with two c64 related articles. Description of a new C64 graphic mode as well as a run down on some exotic c64 gfx modes.

Other C64/Amiga demo&#146;s apps to download from here as well
 New Releases MAY 14 2006
Moving Target 6 with high score saver and docs…

Battle Droids 6D…
(A 100% release has never been put out)
 8Bit Mayhem Podcast – Episode #6 MAY 06 2006
Spring is in the air, episode #6 is ready for download!

 WANTED: Game endings … APR 25 2006
The WANTED GAME ENDINGS LIST has been revised and refreshed and now houses a few more &#146;wants&#146; from the team and viewers.

If you have any of the game endings shown in the list, then please do not hesitate to contact us.

Additionally, if you have any game ending wants of your own, then give us a shout.

Your assistance in creating the ultimate C64 endings archive is apprdciated.

C64endings Webmaster
 CoVeNanT website is back online APR 22 2006
Hello Demo lovers
The Covenant webiste is back online and with another web domain:
Please don&#146;t use www (it doesn&#146;t work).

Thanks to Baracuda of Smash Designs for helping us with his webspace. So visit us now and give a lifesign into our Guestbook.

Have fun
St0rmfr0nt of CoVeNaNt
 8bit Mayhem Podcast Episode #5 APR 09 2006
It&#146;s here!
This time with an exclusive tune from DRAX/Maniacs Of Noise.
 Emulation In Emulator MAR 28 2006
 The Xtreem Commodore Logo MAR 25 2006
The Commodore Info Page presents the biggest Commodore modding ever. Check out the XXC=

The Xtreem Commodore Logo (direct link)

The logo can be seen live at the Amiga Party – <a href=„“br / target=„_blank“>HCC Commodore gg in Maarssen the Netherlands on April 15.
 condoms in mail MAR 20 2006
how sick can one be.. he get?s upset when people downvote his production and start sending angry mails.. but this time he crossed the line by sending a condoms to me and slarti, there was also a note included that said
„laszlo is a faggot“

do we need this crap in the scene

people of the REACT now!!

You forgot to write – who ;-). Btw. this is not a forum, I?m sorry, but I have to move it to related news. (CreaMD/DMAgic)
 Commodore 64 Fansite kit MAR 13 2006
Ive made a quick, dirty, ugley little php script
If youre not really into programming, but would like
to make a authentic looking fanpage, check it out right [here]
 Finally the project „Digital Memories“ is finished! (since March 6th, 2006) MAR 10 2006
A DVD that takes you on a journey through the world of C64 demos from the late 80s till today.16 demos, more than 140 award winning images, over an hour of classical SID-tunes and many more bonus stuff that will bring back the memories of the good old time. For more details look at
You can now order the Commodore 64 DVD titled „MEET THE FAMILY“.
It contains 16 demos and 66 still pictures, including director&#146;s
commentary. The price of the DVD: 7 EUROs (or 10 USD) including
shipping & handling. If you would like to order, please log on to:…_the_family/
 The Movers have a new homepage MAR 08 2006
To all who still didn?t know it:
One of the legends from the 80?s „The Movers“ have a nice looking new homepage. Take a look at it and bring back the old times!
 New Remix of Sweet by Johannes Bjerregaard FEB 18 2006
My first C64 Remix ever is a Remix from Sweet.sid by Johannes Bjerregaard. It is called „Sweet (True Love Remix)“ and is available at I have got neat reactions on previews of it in IRC so far, but I also recommend you warmly to drop a vote or a review there.

Download the Remix HERE

There is also a MUSIC VIDEO of it made by Jer/Panic (Jari). Check it out! :D
 Commodore C64C Introductory Audio Tape FEB 16 2006
It&#146;s the year 2006, but if you still haven&#146;t found help to get your brand new Commodore 64 to work, download the Commodore 64 introductory tape we&#146;ve put up for you. It contains hints and tips on how to get started. It was produced in 1990 by Domark Ltd. for Commodore UK Ltd, written by John Minson and narrated by Jonathan Kidd. Get it from the Audio/Video section. Warning: It&#146;s very English! ;)
 OT: „8 Shades of Black“ C16 coopdemo launched FEB 15 2006
8 Shades of Black project aims to release the world&#146;s first C16 trackmo: $0500-$3FFF ( zeropage stack), no SIDcard or mem-expansion allowed.
Parts are welcome, it has been just launched.

[8sb] official hp
[8sb] discussion thread
 VIC20 commercial free for download FEB 09 2006
Maybe that&#146;s already commonly know, yet it was new to me: There&#146;s a VIC-20 commercial for download at the Internet Archive.
 Lemon64 is GONE! JAN 27 2006
Have you gone to Kim Lemon&#146;s C64 site recently? It&#146;s down.. with this message..

I&#146;m slowly trying to build things up, in an attempt to get the community in a much better direction. I feel very exhausted and sad, not sure when things are ready. You will find out. Take care everyone.

Let&#146;s hope will be back, stronger than ever!
Joe Bucci
 CoVeNaNt Website is down… JAN 20 2006
Hello Covenant lovers. Our website is down again. We currently searching for an accurate and free web domain & webspace. We&#146;ll inform you when we&#146;re back online.
 No Commercials In The News Please NOV 03 2005

I was expecting to read a nice article when clicking at the link of the
DTV news posted by the go64 team, and what I found is a commercial,
?we will hack your dtv for $$$?. How lame is that ? Using a free
site to post your adverts in disguise? Creamd delete that post and mine too,
thank you.

 X2006? OCT 13 2005
 Looking for program to replace SID Editor OCT 09 2005
Help Please. I am looking for a program to replace SID Editor so I can input choir music & rehearse. Stroudsburg, PA area. Son&#146;s old 128D no longer has functional disk drives. Anyone know of Windows or other replacement? Didn&#146;t know where to hunt on this web site.
SID Editor replacement
 IDE64 Inside with one problem … JUL 27 2005
This is only a beta test version.The only problem is with serial port disconnection around 20–30 minutes of runtime.No warranty for this project … see later …
PCH JUL 26 2005 is down for a while because of DNS record was changed.
Provizory link for or IDE64 Inside is here

 Metal Dust reviewed in German PC Game Papermag JUL 22 2005
The commercial German PC Gaming Mag „PC Action“ printed a review of Protovision&#146;s Metal Dust in their latest issue (09/2005). It is featured in their console shorttest chapter and they rated it „Good“. Also the trailer of the game can be found on their cover dvd.
 Full text of 11 classic flight simulation books JUL 22 2005 is a new site that features the full text of eleven classic flight simulation books. More than 2,200 printed pages have been digitized into 800 web pages. The titles available are:
 – Jet Fighter School and Jet Fighter School II by Richard G. Sheffield
 – Flying on Instruments with Flight Simulator by Jonathan M. Stern
 – Learning to Fly with Flight Simulator and Realistic Commercial Flying with Flight Simulator by John Rafferty
 – 40 Great Flight Simulator Adventures, 40 More Great Flight Simulator Adventures, Flight Simulator Co-Pilot, Flying Flight Simulator, Runway USA, and A Flight Simulator Odyssey by Charles Gulick

These books, published from 1985–1989, cover Microsoft Flight Simulator and Sublogic Flight Simulator software, plus other flight sim programs including F-15 Strike Eagle and Sublogic&#146;s Jet.
Kevin Savetz
 Solutions Boulder Dash and other games JUL 20 2005
New at the Boulder Dash fansite:
Solution recordings for Boulder Dash 1, 2, 3 and 4.
In additions: solutions to the famous C64 games Sensitive, Arnie, Jumpman Jr and Ghost Chaser.
All solutions can be viewed using VICE. Check it out at:
 Alien of WOW / Covenant is father! JUL 18 2005
Alien of Warriors Of The Wasteland and Covenant is father of a girl since Wednesday, 13th July 2005. At 6:02 CET she saw the daylight! 50 cm, 3110g. Her name is „Chiara“. Too bad, I don?t know how to attach a picture here, otherwise you could see the child I?m so proud of!


 Ancients founded JUL 18 2005
A new group has been founded today.
Built from the ashes of the old The Supply Team, and Oregon.

Members are: Wizz, Kaze, Devia, Lotus, and rambones.
maybe slightly off-topic: goto80 has released a mega full length CD-album called Commodore Grooves with mostly C64-music. info/order at for sure.
rebel pet set man
 Commodore Zone website updated JUL 16 2005
The website has had two major updates recently:

In response to suggestions from visitors the A-Z game and link pages have returned.

A new Speech Box feature has been added – dedicated to Commodore 64 game speech by Electronic Speech Systems Inc (ESS) – includes a long forgotten article that appeared in Commodore User.

A new Legends area has been created for articles on legendary 64 programmers, musicians and companies. The first article to be published is about Tony Crowther.
 EXILE solution released JUL 13 2005
You can find it on the Or directly here.
Discuss EXILE solution here. Thanx to Kyle for solution and info.
 FREAX Vol. 1. released – Website update JUL 13 2005
The first volume of the big scene history book is 224 pages long, with 483 color illustrations. It can be already preordered from for a mere 24.80 Euros. Please visit for fresh news and some preview pages.
 Jon Hare interviewed JUL 10 2005
Jops set up Sensible Software with his mate Chris Yates, and they became successful right away. He&#146;s responsible for games like Parallax, Wizball, Cannon Fodder, and the ever so popular Sensible Soccer. Jops is also my (Andreas) band mate. We gig, oh, like once a year. :) He&#146;s is one of the most talented people in the games business, and he&#146;s still doing what he does best. Sensible Soccer for mobile phones is just out and Cannon Fodder is on it&#146;s way. In this interview, we talk a lot about his graphics, drawing techniques, what was most fun to do etc., and Jops really enjoyed that. I hope you&#146;ll enjoy reading it!
 C64 remixing meets Podcasting JUL 08 2005
Episode #004: The David Whittaker Special has just been released. Find links to everything, including old shows and the subscription RSS feed at

iTunes 4.9 has built-in podcast support, so you can subscribe by going to the iTunes Music Store Podcast directory and do a search for „C64“.

( Podcasting is essentially radio-on-demand. A neat way to distribute MP3 files, making it loads easier for the end user to time-shift content. More info on )
 Full Text of Compute II magazine JUL 07 2005
The full text of Compute II magazine is now available at The Classic Computer Magazine Archive.

Compute II, subtitled „The Single-Board Compute“, was a sort-lived spin-off from Compute! magazine that only published two issues in 1980. It focused on KIM, AIM, SYM, and OSI single-board computers. Articles in the archive include „Designing an IEEE-488 Receiver with the SYM“ and reviews of expansion kits for early single-board computers, including a Speak & Spell interface for the SYM. Here&#146;s a complete list of the Compute II articles .
Kevin Savetz
 Allitaice is getting married JUL 07 2005
Radek Schwarz a.k.a. Allitaice / Success The Ruling Company is getting married on 16.7.2005. His soon to be wife Veronika Skapcova. You can find more info (in czech language) on his C64 development related weblog
 The Commodore Zone website is back online! JUL 05 2005
It has been offline for about 5 years but the old Commodore Zone website was relaunched recently – all the popular areas are back – collection, adventure, and rpg.

The old message board has been replaced with a proper discussion forum and hundreds of game images for Avatars. The Upload Archive is also back but this time it supports member file sharing!

The website will be updated over the coming months based on feedback from visitors. Various online polls have been setup in the forum. We hope you find it a useful resource. Any suggestions or comments are very welcome. Please email, post in the forum or sign the guestbook.

C64 related news come here. Generally everything that is „around“ C64, and not directly a C64 release

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