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30/06 - 04/08 BotB Summer Chip XIV (Standalone Compo)
01/07 - 31/07 $81 Music Compo 2024 (Standalone Compo)

Upcoming events

02/08 - 04/08 ATWOODS Summer Open-Air 2024 (Demo Party)
09/08 - 11/08 Pågadata 2024 (Demo Party)
16/08 - 18/08 Evoke 2024 (Demo Party)
29/08 - 01/09 Xenium 2024 (Demo Party)
30/08 - 01/09 ACQUA Party 2024 (C64 Only Party)
13/09 - 15/09 Black Birdie 2024 (Demo Party)
20/09 - 22/09 PsykoZ 2024 (Internal Meeting)
04/10 - 06/10 Deadline 2024 (Demo Party)
19/10 - 20/10 Syntax 2024 (Demo Party)
01/11 - 03/11 Zoo 2024 (Demo Party)
23/11 - 23/11 Transmission64 2024 (Demo Party)
21/03 - 23/03 Fioniadata 2025 (Demo Party, Meeting)
21/03 - 23/03 Forever 2025 - Jurassic party (Demo Party, 8 bit Party)
24/07 - 27/07 BOOM! Party 2025 (Demo Party)

Recent events

08/06 - 08/06 Vintage Computing Carinthia $29 (Meeting)
14/06 - 16/06 Nova 2024 (Demo Party)
15/06 - 15/06 HCC Meeting June 2024 (Meeting, 8 bit Party)
15/06 - 16/06 AMI 47 (Internal Meeting)
16/06 - 23/06 Underground Conference 13 (Demo Party)
22/06 - 22/06 Commodore-Treffen Graz $42 (Meeting)
22/06 - 23/06 Interface XXXVIII (Meeting)
27/06 - 30/06 BEE #5 (Meeting)
28/06 - 30/06 Arok Party 2024 (8 bit Party)
28/06 - 30/06 Shadow Party 2024 (Demo Party)
28/06 - 30/06 Reunion 2024 (Demo Party)
29/06 - 30/06 Level Up 2024 (Meeting)
04/07 - 07/07 ALD Summer Meeting 2024 (Internal Meeting)
04/07 - 07/07 Nordlicht 2024 (Demo Party)
05/07 - 07/07 C64 Symposium: Past, Present, and Future of a Home Computer (Meeting)
06/07 - 06/07 Vintage Computing Carinthia $2A (Meeting)
11/07 - 14/07 Lost Party 2024 (Demo Party)
12/07 - 14/07 Black Valley 2024 (Demo Party)
18/07 - 21/07 Vammala Party 2024 (Demo Party, Meeting)


XzentriX 2003

XZENTRIX is a computerparty for people who believe in a life beyond office software.

This is not a normal demoparty where a few users try to top the others by pure processor power. It is a party for people who love their computer more than their wife (and kids, and dogs :-) ).

Following you’ll find a list of the main systems we expect at the XzentriX this year. Ofcourse you can take other systems with you, too. But please, leave your PC at home…

Finally a get-together for:

  • Amiga
  • Archimedes
  • Apple I/Apple II*
  • Atari
  • C64/C128/C16/VC20
  • CP/M
  • CPC
  • Joyce
  • MSX
  • NeXT
  • X68000
  • Acorn BBC
  • RiscPC
  • TI 99/4A

…and every other system which nukes 8 bit through the databus.


XZENTRIX shall be a big party for computer fans. This, of course, can only be achieved if a lot of people attend.

The meeting takes place in a big hall in Seeshaupt/Germany. Although the hall is big, space is limited and we have to limit the number of visitors. So apply for participation soon to make sure you get in.

To keep our own expenses at bay, we have to take an admission fee of max. 10 Euro (~10$) for the three days.

Overnight accomodations are available. You can sleep at the hall or in hotels near to the hall – whatever suits you better.

Take your computers with you!

  • If you have something for sale (old computer stuff) bring it with you.
  • Don’t forget extension cords and multi-fuses!
  • If you want to sleep at the hall, don’t forget to take your sleeping bag. Showers are available.
  • Breakfast will be delivered to the hall. Also supermarkets etc. are in walking distance.
  • Drinks will be available (not expensive).
  • If you let us know when you arrive, we will pick you up from the station.

XZENTRIX 2002 takes place

from: Friday, Sept. 12/2003,~3:00 pm
till: Sunday, Sept. 14/2003

XZENTRIX takes place in Seeshaupt/Germany.

Seeshaupt is about 40 km south of Munich. You can reach it from the Munich airport by train or car.

If you can’t make sense of the directions given below, contact us per email.


If you have questions regarding XZENTRIX, you can contact the following persons.

Robert Sterff
Bahnhofstra?e 14
82402 Seeshaupt

Tel.: +49–8801–2615


Stephan Sommer
Am Ock 1
82418 Murnau

Tel.: +49–8841–672232


You can reach Seeshaupt by car

  1. From Munich, get onto the Autobahn A95 (to Garmisch-P.) and get off at exit „Seeshaupt“
  2. About 5–6 km after you left the Autobahn (and have followed the signs leading to Seeshaupt), turn left in the middle of Seeshaupt (to Penzberg).
  3. Then, after 100m, at the soccer-field, turn right.
  4. The hall is at the end of the soccer-field behind the tenniscourts.
  5. and you’re there (hopefully :-)


  • 10000 meters race on a C64
  • Teletennis on a pong-console
  • Hyperball on a C64
  • California Games on a C64
  • Election for the xzentric of the year

… ofcourse there are a few, small prizes to win


Fill in the online registration form:…meldung.html


You can also send the following form to one of the contact persons.

You can print the form to send it by letter.

By sending the following form, I state my intention to participate in the
XZENTRIX 2003 from Sept. 12 – 14/2003.

I acknowledge that I’ve noticed the admission fee of max. 10 Euro (~$10).

Name: ______________________________________________

Street: ____________________________________________

city: ______________________________________________

country: ___________________________________________

Telephone: _________________________________________

eMail: _____________________________________________

overnight accomodation:

( ) locally (sleeping bag)
( ) Hotel single room
( ) Hotel half doubleroom
( ) I’ll find a overnight accomodation by myself

day of arrival:

( ) Friday, Sept. 12/2003
( ) Saturday, Sept. 14/2003

Date, signature: ____________________________________

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