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01/11 - 03/11 Zoo 2024 (Demo Party)
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Recent events

08/06 - 08/06 Vintage Computing Carinthia $29 (Meeting)
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15/06 - 15/06 HCC Meeting June 2024 (Meeting, 8 bit Party)
15/06 - 16/06 AMI 47 (Internal Meeting)
16/06 - 23/06 Underground Conference 13 (Demo Party)
22/06 - 22/06 Commodore-Treffen Graz $42 (Meeting)
22/06 - 23/06 Interface XXXVIII (Meeting)
27/06 - 30/06 BEE #5 (Meeting)
28/06 - 30/06 Arok Party 2024 (8 bit Party)
28/06 - 30/06 Shadow Party 2024 (Demo Party)
28/06 - 30/06 Reunion 2024 (Demo Party)
29/06 - 30/06 Level Up 2024 (Meeting)
04/07 - 07/07 ALD Summer Meeting 2024 (Internal Meeting)
04/07 - 07/07 Nordlicht 2024 (Demo Party)
05/07 - 07/07 C64 Symposium: Past, Present, and Future of a Home Computer (Meeting)
06/07 - 06/07 Vintage Computing Carinthia $2A (Meeting)
11/07 - 14/07 Lost Party 2024 (Demo Party)
12/07 - 14/07 Black Valley 2024 (Demo Party)
18/07 - 21/07 Vammala Party 2024 (Demo Party, Meeting)


 The ULTIMATE C64 Tape Page is back … FEB 25 2003
Finally, one of the first big TAP-sites can say; We?re BACK! And now we?re here to stay… (for a while ;) ). At the opening day, there?s 51 downloadable TAP-files. Not much, and probably no titles that?s not already available, but they are still probably some of the most carefully made TAPs found on the net. Have fun! :)

The address is still
?TOUGH website FEB 21 2003
Check out the all new Tough web site: As always we are always on the look out for new members. Site is placed on free site which open popup window and also asks you to install some third party software (gator), don’t do it. Site will be moved to beta-news later today. If you „Though“ need healthy & free webhosting contact me or ask someone in the forums. (CreaMD)
?Go64! Issues 3/97(the first issue!) – 5/2000 @ ebay FEB 18 2003
interrested in old of issues of the famous C64 Mag? look at this:…BayISAPI.dll?…
?Super Galaxys to get the go ahead! FEB 16 2003
You may have noticed yesterday, I scrapped Super Galaxys. I still have the game sources, and I have come to a final decision to actuall try and finish the game. However, the bad news is that the game wont be a big multiloader. It will be single file. The attack waves will be based on mental moons demo, but this game will be even more crazier :) So today I’m going to concentrate on the NEW Super Galaxys :)

Visit <a href=„“ target =„_blank“>The New Dimension today.
Richard Bayliss
?Super Galaxys – scrapped! FEB 15 2003
Unfortunately, it has come to a sad descision that Super Galaxys is a Game That Wasn&#146;t! I have decided to scrap this project for once and for all. I cannot stand sprite or have the patience with multi-plexing. I will be removing the Super Galaxys diary and turn the game into something else. From now on, I will code small party games, demos, music and large, but simple game projects as I do what I enjoy. Sorry!
Richard Bayliss
?Get for FREE! FEB 14 2003
Hi everyone

As I don&#146;t have interest, time or money to run The Commodore Billboard anymore, I&#146;m looking for people to take over the site.

You will get all material, source code etc. You will also be able to get the domain.

I also have some new material waiting to be uploaded – including new commercials.

Please contact me ASAP. If you have a big and well-known C64/Amiga website, maybe we can also arrange that you get all my material and not the commodore billboard name.

Best regards,

Soren Ladegaard – Denmark
Soren Ladegaard
?Mini-ITX Commodore SX-64 FEB 13 2003 – this page is dedicated to my efforts to skillfully implant a 1 GHZ system inside of my Commodore SX-64 portable computer. this modification will be completely stealth. in fact, when my C64 emulator is running, it should be completely indistinguishable from the original system. however, when the emulator is not running, i will be able to watch DVDs, play MP3s, surf the internet, and play games from anywhere through windows XP. a truly portable system, complete with integrated monitor, keyboard, and handle! lan parties here i come!
?Chat in a Space Quest world! FEB 13 2003 – chat in a space quest world on your pc or mac :)
?Flash Incorporated&#146;s homepage updated today! JAN 31 2003
All our releases are finally online and I?ve also added screenshots for all our demos. Added the &#146;Memories&#146;-section. It was actually something I wrote in 1997, but I had totally forgotten about it. Updated the members section. I?ve also done a bit of re-designing, but it was done in the same style as the existing graphics which really isn?t that good, but it was my first homepage ever, and C64hq takes all my time these days… Check it out!
Morpheus of Flash Inc.
?Amstrad CPC vs Commodore 64/128 FEB 01 2003
Follow the link. Amstrad is currently leading.
Shaun Bebbington

NOTE: Content of this page is outlined in the info line of your browser. In short – people active on C64 computer are preffered. News about releases not executable on C64 such as new mp3 remixes and c64 game remakes, or news not directly related to active C64 scene (as various web site updates) might end in beta-news. While we also like MP3 remixes, or various C64 related fun pages, active C64 scene is our priority. 

This article has been displayed for 1281 times, since publishing.
Discussion: 64 reactions


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JUL.27 04:15: Raistlin
JUL.27 02:38: psenough
JUL.26 23:31: Monte Carlos
JUL.26 20:45: mankeli
JUL.25 03:44: spider-j
JUL.24 20:46: Krill
JUL.24 17:50: chatGPZ
JUL.23 23:22: Oswald
JUL.23 20:19: BYB
JUL.23 18:44: chatGPZ

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