Become the new (Jet Set) Billy Shakesbeer!

The Rules
- The scene must not exceed 5 minutes
- Any speech must be in English or there must be a logical reason for it not being in English (e.g. alien mindbenders are permitted to say ?Zlorfik!?)
- Any kind of performance and props is OK ? you can have music in the background, even a live army choir, if you have one, you can use the projector, talk, sing, dance or not do any of the above
The Curtains
- Deadline to announce your participation is Saturday 20 March, 12:00
- You can rehearse till the last moment but when the compo starts, you gotta be there!
Good luck, looking forward to all the fun and remember that if you use this year?s party theme and someone records your performance, you?re in contention for the Eternity award!
Krap?s photo of the IK scene is published with his kind permission. Thanks!
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