and now the hardest part.. instructions for editors and
about portal… mhm.. I consider if It wouldn?t be better to launch new
portality first and then write instructions.. okay. I?ll launch the new
CreamD |
yoyo.. just few hours…
Creamd |
?This weekend… |
08 2001 |
I wish I was able to update this portal today and add
that addonews feature as I really don?t want to erase your discussion entries,
but still there is some work to do. I?m more than sure that there is plenty of
news, and if everything goes as I intended you?ll see that there is a life in
the c64 scene. You all active dudes out there who visit this page, be so kind
and tell us what you?re up to ;-). Xenon, last month showed that they understand
what this portal is about. I hope that after official promotion, this portal
will start to kick some retro asses ;-). Btw. Lazygamer, if you want to
become an editor, game reviewer, please contact me. Use
command whenever you need to emulate enter. But I think is not needed in news.
They should be brief .
CreamD |
As cool as this site is, there HAS to be more C64 content
out there in the future. As it stands at the moment this site isn?t vital to
C64ing at the moment as there really is very little news to report. Probably the
most important aspect of news would be C64 gaming news, and to get that people
have to start more Newcomer-inspired internet C64 projects. This site should
someday strive to be like Planet Half-life, not nessciarly in it?s features,
but rather the volume of news. Everyday PHL has morning and evening news along
with several news updates during the day. That?s ALOT of news, hopefully this
site will be like that one day…
Lazygamer |
?Betatesting and after… |
07 2001 |
Comming up improvements like: News addon option (similar to
reaction to articles) glimpse to gallery redesign of the site month news counter
& news navigation for faster top-page d/l, cathegorised article list
(possibility to reread older). Ae you looking for scene
dedicated job? Do you want to be an editor of articles about c64 hardware
(selfmade tools-cables), software, news, games, demos, utilities. tutorials and
reviews? Contact us.</news>
CreamD |
?Believe it or not gamers… |
01 2001 |
It?s comming tonight! At least it was said it?s comming
tonight ;-). Stay tuned!!
CreaMD |
?Newcomer forum |
03 2001 |
Soon, there will be a brand-new forum on our site where the
players can discuss their experiences…
ZoliENC |
?Place to discuss Newcomer? |
03 2001 |
It certainly would be neat having a place to discuss
Newcomer some IE:message board. We plan a review asap.
I hope one of our members which helped to betatest the game could write a
review, or some opinion. It was also suggested (by Wotnau) that we should add
news comment possibility as news should just be used for news. On Monday I?m
buying new hardware, the motherboard crashed and is not reliable anymore. That
means the end of the betatesting phase is going to be postponed. S**t happens…
Lazygamer |
?Newcomer walkthrough |
06 2001 |
Im sure it?s going to happen eventually, someone writes a
walkthrough for Newcomer. After all writing a walkthrough is a great honor, as
it?s that?s persons way of saying how much he rulez for being the first to
write one. But I think it would be better to have a UHS(Universal hint system)
file for Newcomer which answers alot of questions, without giving a play by play
walkthrough. In case some of you are too C64ish to know what im talking about go
to www.uhs-hints.com
Lazygamer |
Okay.. new machine bought. New ideas gained. Love problems
resolved (not), painfully ;-(not ;-)). Stay with us. Stay tuned for great
things. Sitting in the rollercoaster, in the bottom of the
track people tend to judge their current situation
CreamD |
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