The King stays home, long rule the new one!
According to our reports, two of the visitors who haven't missed a single one Forever yet, ThunderBlade and his wife Womana, give it a miss this time. That's a sad news indeed – but it gives you some possibilities. It means that the title of ‚Walking Encyclopedia of 8-bit Gaming‘ is now available again. We'll choose the new Encyclopedia 8-bittica in a deliciously devilish 8-bit quiz. Judging by our experience from the previous editions, this will be a tournament of the bravest of the bravest and the most skilled of the most skilled! Be there at the 8-bit quiz at Forever 2010: The 8-bit Odyssey, or be sorry when epical tales of it are told at campfires – erm, I mean in the light of monitors.
Will you munch on our questions, or will the 8 bits bite you?
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Discussion: 3 reactions