If you feel like a C64 patriot, download/transfer the D64 and enjoy the musics on real SID!
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If you have troubles using this form, you can send votes in e-mail: 32 numbers
separated by semicolon.
For example like this:
"Step Asside " 4:30 (6581) - Daniel M. Gartke (Turtle)
(tunes will be published on-fly and stripped of credit data)
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2001: In the year 2001 we have organised the GoatTracker music competition. GoatTracker is a SID music editor running on PC/Windows and at that time we wanted to promote it to the public.
2002: Exactly year after the first compo, we have organised the second one: The SID Compo II. It started at the same date - 8. october 2002, and lasted 4 weeks. You can see The SID Compo II results and releases here: At that time all music editors were allowed to participate in the competition.
2003: SID compo 3 (8. october 2003-8.november 2003) had few exceptions. During the competition, the competition entries were published anonymously. There were 2 final ranks. One decided by Jury consisting of participating musicians and other classic votecount of audience. The SID Compo III results and releases here
NOW: This year we again introduce new "features" and that is delays and unkept promises. Let's hope we will squish some of those bugs meanwhile. There is one task to do in the 2003 compo results, and that is publication of user and authos comments.
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Thanx everybody for support! Enjoy the music!
Since the database server is unstable and system is being completely recoded we've made this page static for faster and easier access and updates.