The last crazy compo to announce before the party is of course stylishly the one that promises the fiercest battle - the famous 8-bit quiz! As all of our crazy compos, it appears irregularly - but this one always has a great and positive response. Do you know who or what is Denaris? Are you sure that Commander Jameson is not a drink? Then you can fight for the title! Which one? Read on...
[1] :
18. Mar 2010 08:29  
Neslo by to uvest taky v cestine? Polovine toho co je tu (obecne) napsane moc nerozumim.
[2] :
18. Mar 2010 10:12  
HRMPFZ!! ;-) We can try to translate everything also to czech, polish, german and cockney next year. But as you have noticed, we are now extremely short on time and Im pretty sure this question turned Wotnau to berserk mode, so be careful what and when you ask! ;-)
Dalsi rok to mozeme prekladat do cestiny, polstiny, nemciny a londynskeho dialektu ale ako si si vsimol, mame teraz fofry a som si isty ze tato tvoja otazka prepla Wotnaua do berserk modu takze bacha na to co a kedy pozadujes ;-))
[3] :
18. Mar 2010 14:27  
And we mustnt forget about Hungarian and Slovak. Actually, this one was still OK, but the one under the music quiz article did switch me into berserk mode. Aaargh! (Swings sword, shoots laser gun.) Doesnt the article start with This years SID quiz...? Doesnt it say later 90% ... will be real classics ... known to most 8-bitters? Zlorfik!