Last week Cadaver made a "mistake" of noting me (CreaMD) over ICQ about the new gadget that he has just received. It was the (already famous) 1541 Ultimate Plus. I?m quite astonished about this new piece of hardware because just month or two ago I?ve discussed 1541 emulation (irq loaders, etc.) with hardware gurus and I?ve been assured that it is almost impossible to hardware emulate 1541 to this extent. I didn?t hesitate and asked Cadaver if he coulnd?t write a review while testing the new toy. He agreed. Yesterday I?ve received an E-mail containing a text of review and few photos taken with a cellphone camera. Read the 1541 Ultimate Plus test by Cadaver here
Cadaver (Lasse ??rni)
[1] :
13. May 2008 10:09  
Looks more impressive than I imagined. Seems to be very useful. It will be nice to need illegals supported.
[2] :
13. May 2008 10:45  
Looks very good, thanks for taking the time to put this review together...
[3] :
14. May 2008 12:54  
Nice review, thanks! You write that PRG files dont run automatically, but they actually do that if you hit F3 instead of RETURN.
The great thing about this immediate "autostart" feature is that it - unlike VICE - doesnt infer with any "real drive" emulation. So for example, many Remember cracks run just fine after theyve been smacked into RAM. (Now we only need a "warp mode" so we dont have to wait for tedious unpacking time. ;))
Anyway, Im surprised that so many sceners didnt get this wonderful device. It is one of the best C64 expansions ever! Added convenience to the original experience - just how we want it. :)
[4] :
14. May 2008 15:57  
[3] More sceners will get this device when 2nd batch will be available, I?m pretty sure ;-)
[5] :
21. Jun 2008 21:15  
Hi! Thanks Lasse, for the the wonderful review! It is so good to see that my efforts to make this device good enough to be useful for the sceners. Insomnia demo already works now. It was indeed an illegal opcode that needed to be fixed. Firmware V1.1 will be released on the website in just a few days from now.