AEG's T3 is a game of great scale and depth and probably the game event of the year. C64.sk doesn't want to bring you a review based just on a few levels' experience, so check the progress of our main reviewer Wotnau burning the midnight oil at the game in this T3 diary, parallelly with Vip, adding his experience in the discussion section. The review is now available, enjoy!
It's done! Game completed, diaries are finished, the review is published. Wotnau dedicates his victory over Morgul II to Womana/Studio Style and ThunderBlade/Protovision (recently married).
Level 5 - Home again
Level 4 - Great Gianna's Brother
Level 3 - Enforcecan, Canakis and T3can
Level 2 - Return of the Dungeon
Level 1 - Welcome home"
[51] :
14. Sep 2004 00:06  
Im sure there will be some C64 game with bulettime animations (although I would rather see John Woo jumps (tm)) sooner or later. ;-)
[52] :
14. Sep 2004 23:33  
@_V_: Hopefully, youve got it in the mail.
[53] :
15. Sep 2004 11:34  
now that the v1.1 is released, please update your diaries accordingly to the current status of the game.
diary lover
[54] :
15. Sep 2004 12:33  
[55] :
15. Sep 2004 13:06  
Seems (from the .txt) mostly about small bugfixes, like some enemies not giving score. No word of the lockup bugs. But it did prove me wrong that there wasnt going to be a fix from the author.. hope he fixes the rest too :)
[56] :
15. Sep 2004 13:26  
@_V_: Ill try to check out the fix tonight and if it works out, Ill do some last-minute corrections to the review when I get it from you. :) Anyway, judging by AEG writes in the text, the major bugs are still there. Well see.
[57] :
16. Sep 2004 12:36  
@diary lover: Of course, we will change the header of our diaries to Turrican 3 v1.0 ;)
[58] :
16. Sep 2004 15:43  
Hmm, from the .txt file, Id say my portion of the diary is unaffected, safe for the bonus block fix in world 4. Mwoah, s okay.
As for Wotnaus review, I received it yesterday after fixing my internet, which was down for a couple of days =(. Will send my part tonight or tomorrow morning.
[59] :
16. Sep 2004 18:27  
@_V_: Owkee dowkee, Ill take some screenshooooots in the meantime.
[60] :
17. Sep 2004 12:36  
@Wotnau: Gurrrr.... Im 50% complete, but got really tired around 2am, so Ill have to finish it this evening. Im sorry, Wotnau. =/
[61] :
17. Sep 2004 13:20  
@_V_: Ill stay tuned. But please keep in mind that tomorrow morning Im leaving for holidays. :> If you dont make it, Ill mail you the screenshots and it will be up to you to finalize the whole thing ;)
[62] :
27. Sep 2004 00:38  
Hi, just a small update: I have sent the Turrican 3 review to CreamD for finalisation. Apologies for the delay are in order - the main problem was that we still needed to do screenshots for World 4 and 5. That task was mine, and the idea was to use WinVICEs recording capabilities to record progress through those two Worlds, then make the screenshots. In theory, this was going to be a piece of cake.
In practise, this was a nightmare. I found out that (a) its best to record only one level at a time, as recording malfunctions may appear after about 10 minutes (b) The do not die while going up in 5-1 bug likes to pop up unexpectedly and (c) yours truly had to learn the difference between the words recording and playback the hard way.
Again, Im sorry, but I hope that the review will make up for it. Wotnau promised you an extensive review, and an extensive review it is. =)
[63] :
28. Sep 2004 17:42  
Back from my holidays. Im really curious about the final outcome, as its been a long time since I was a part of the reviewing process. ;)
[64] :
28. Sep 2004 18:37  
Its now in the hands me and maccie. Patience pleze.
[65] :
01. Oct 2004 12:12  
So, when will you Turrican masters create a nice "longplay" for us who arent as skilled? :)