Remember?s server down MAR 03 2003 16:38REM server is back MAR 03 2003 21:58Now in English MAR 06 2003 22:32Enhridion #05 was released MAR 02 2003 18:48New Anubis homepage MAR 04 2003 05:47C64.rulez.org server down MAR 06 2003 18:34Nightlord joined Civitas MAR 22 2003 13:02Rockin Factor - alternative download MAR 21 2003 19:15Retro_Mart game of the month MAR 26 2003 17:24Screenshot fan CDs MAR 28 2003 19:37
[86] :
30. Mar 2003 03:19  
was there a new men editor? my music disk is fux0red and I cant run half the crap on it.. if not what did new men do music routine wise that it would be on my bitchwhore disk?
[87] :
30. Mar 2003 10:38  
We can argue for ages about whether demos are art or not, but one thing is clear: fades posts are poetry.
[88] :
30. Mar 2003 15:35  
The last time I talked with Rene (Heathcliff) he was *still* working on that editor but that was years ago .. havent been in contact with Vincent either for a long time so frankly Ive got no clue what the status is.
[89] :
30. Mar 2003 16:02  
Puterman - Come here and read some poetry for me and I will give you all my 7+ players.
[90] :
30. Mar 2003 17:05  
puterman is god.. and he carries a hefty rod.. when he slides it in.. all the girlies do grin and say richard of civitas is in my garbage bin
[91] :
30. Mar 2003 17:08  
tdj: so it was was never publically released? id almost feel elite if mary o nette didnt steal my damned eggs
[92] :
30. Mar 2003 17:17  
Fade, picking on Richard is already out of fashion. Change the topic please.
[93] :
30. Mar 2003 18:34  
Dane: Sounds like its time for a trip to Tumba!
CreaMD: Picking on people who call me a god is always out of fashion.
[94] :
30. Mar 2003 18:40  
picking on richard has nothing to do with the fact it fit into my rhyme.. when will you backward euros understand abuse is the highest form of flattery.. example: you spread like george dubya .. which means you spread your wares good.. this cant be so hard to understand, even new zealanders get it.. baaaaah :)
fascist bullyboy
[95] :
30. Mar 2003 20:10  
Its always a good sign when number of reactions has grown much in short time :)
[96] :
30. Mar 2003 20:50  
[97] :
30. Mar 2003 22:43  
That just means were bored.
[98] :
31. Mar 2003 15:23  
TDJ: Thanks for the info!
[99] :
31. Mar 2003 18:16  
picking on richard has nothing to do with the fact it fit into my rhyme.. when will you backward euros understand abuse is the highest form of flattery.. example: you spread like george dubya .. which means you spread your wares good.. this cant be so hard to understand, even new zealander’s get it.. baaaaah :)
Aw, shut up. I dont care if theyre pissing me around. They can do what they like :P
[100] :
31. Mar 2003 18:41  
Exactly man, now thats the spirit.