Music quiz for your pleasure
Hard enough even for LISU, easy enough for anyone!
This year’s SID quiz will move our quizzing to a completely new level.
No obscure stuff from musicians known only to connoisseurs – 90% of the
musics played will be real classics that any 8-bitter knows… Only they
won’t sound like it. The music was proceessed through filters, pitch
benders, Doppler effects and speed effects. As the music proceeds, it becomes
less and less distorted and in the end you can hear the pure original, so anyone
who hasn’t figured it out yet can! Add to it the always original
comments and unforgetable accent of your truly, and you have another perfect
crazy compo for Forever 2010.
(I know this is not the best PR stuff I’ve ever done but I prefer
2 sleepless nights on preparing the compo and 25 minutes to write the article
to doing it vice versa. Hope your joy is worth my nap.)
Source of SID chip picture:, blood
donor: CreaMD
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