Great parties deserve the corresponding publicity. Floppy 2004 ? ?The Smell Of Data? - is definitely one of them. Maybe it is not the most crowded party of the year, but definitely on of the most valuable for the creative C64 scene. The sceners from Sweden and surrounding countries have again proven which region is currently leading the C64 demo scene. Enjoy the report and a small photogallery at the bottom of the article.
[1] :
08. Mar 2004 11:59  
Great report (and nice photos.. ;-)) - just wanted to add that Vodka/Fairlight gave away a brand new unopened white Tac2 joystick for the compo as well...and the arrangers had bought prizes for the compo too.
Oh, and it really was an excellent party! (Yeah, except the missing soap in the toilet, and how about a mirror in there too, next year?)
[2] :
08. Mar 2004 12:11  
nice report... but i wish there were more coverage of compos and some text to go with the pictures about who is who in the pictures...
[3] :
08. Mar 2004 12:33  
Nightlord. Move your mouse cursor over the pics to get info who is who. I know I should have done it in the tables and write the text under, but I was lazy to change it later.
[4] :
08. Mar 2004 13:01  
I guess the compo entries will be covered in detail in TDJs reviews...
[5] :
08. Mar 2004 13:20  
You guess right.
[6] :
08. Mar 2004 15:21  
The guy with the headphones 2nd from the bottom in the right column is ZZAP69 not Phase69 (which isnt a scener handle that Ive heard of ;). Phase1 on the other hand was at the party as well, but cant be seen on any of the pictures.
[7] :
08. Mar 2004 15:29  
correction - Phase1 is on one of the photos... ;)
@CreaMD again:
A thing I noticed regarding the photo that says Joe and Ed (above Phase1 and TDS) is that its actually Joe, Ed and Stash. When watching the pic right now its easy to get the impression that Stash is Ed, and Ed is Joe (which isnt very strange considering theyre identical twins, but we dont have to make it worse. ;)
[8] :
08. Mar 2004 15:58  
Could you please write me number of pic and possible correct info text which should be there, that would be less confusing for me. Thanx in advance
[9] :
08. Mar 2004 16:09  
04.jpg = "Joe, Ed and Stash" or "Ed and Stash" if you only want to mention the two people closest to the camera.
24.jpg = "ZZAP69"
[10] :
08. Mar 2004 16:17  
Thanx! Corrected.
[11] :
08. Mar 2004 20:47  
@nightlord motley filmed all the compos, and most of the party aswell, we are all waiting for the result of that :)
[12] :
10. Mar 2004 05:21  
Wish I could I have been there but, living in the states it is hard to leave to go anywhere. Nice demos,gfx,msx and the pics were nice as well
[13] :
10. Mar 2004 13:18  
[14] :
10. Mar 2004 13:57  
Article updated. Added link to MACX photos.