Thorgal stopped swapping on c64! NOVEMBER 25 2001
Classic video games inspired MP3 & Video HERE! 14. NOV 2001 18:01
CBMGallery-of your own Commodore machine(s). 11. NOV 2001 23:16
[1] :
03. Nov 2001 21:52  
Spacebattle is awfully hard to play. I guess it needs a lot of patience, when playing. It is nice to see some new games in the scene. I'll have to have another look at the game later on, and try and understand how to play it more. That way it should be a nice game release.
[2] :
07. Nov 2001 15:55  
The word "retro" is so overused, that it simply stinks.
[3] :
13. Nov 2001 06:40  
I've added (missing "=") in href tag in the Double Dragon news. Thumbs up & congratulations with the literally !sound! release of DD, 6R6!
[4] :
13. Nov 2001 23:09  
Wow! ;-) "C64 Portal Sensacional portal dedicado al C64 donde podras ver todos los dias las ultimas noticias relacionadas con el. Si quereis estar al dia de todo lo que ocurre en torno a nuestra querida maquina, es de obligada visita diaria. (seen in link section of Commodore Mania spanish C64 site)
[5] :
17. Nov 2001 06:29  
Spoletiums date is colliding with X-2001 - the most prestigious party for the C64 nowadays. So don't wonder if no C64 dude will appear there.
[6] :
17. Nov 2001 14:20  
Hey, this Double Dragon version is really a great work. I appreciate such things a lot - creating the ultimate version of a game. Too bad it uses that IFFL loader so I can't play it from FD. And those people having a RAMLink can't play it from there. Hey, with a RAMLink, it probably would play like from cartridge - without having the actual cartridge itself! :)
[7] :
20. Nov 2001 09:55  
Why, oh why? Richard, why did you let all those stupid people convince you? May Laxatives rest in peace. I'll miss them!
[8] :
20. Nov 2001 10:24  
Buhahahah ;-)
[9] :
20. Nov 2001 10:32  
Yes Double Dragon Works great!!! But plays very hard. Or am I so weak? Also T R I P by Mermaid/Creators is great. Goat v1.11 is great too. Rich's Baloonacy with lazers is even more harder than before... (You killed kenny Rich ! ;-) Firsttro is simple but okay.. it's a Firsttro ;-). Have a nice day people. See ya on X-2001 this weekend.
CreaMD of Dmagic - Proud to be Magic ;-)
[10] :
22. Nov 2001 23:22  
Serial Slave... IMHO the one and only solution is a normal serial cable connected to the C64 and PC's parallel port.. I think 64HDD does this. But the PC has to emulate a 1541 completely, so that all kinds of loaders do work. THAT would kick! But it seems impossible to code, hm? :)